Zaner bloser writing paper
Reflection Essay
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Comprehensive Essay Plan with Journal Article Summaries
Question: Examine about the Comprehensive Essay Plan with Journal Article Summaries. Answer: Paper plan This task has been created so as to deal with the conduct change of the association. In this exposition, a development has been done about how to consolidate changes inside an association. As per Langley et al. (2013), change can be connected with issues, for example, change, multiplication, and rise of organizations. As Ylmaz and Klolu (2013) referenced that, there are different explanations behind which, representatives oppose change. They are, for example, doubt and misconstruing, incredulity and general narrow mindedness to change. As Waddell et al. (2013) expressed that, there are 5 significant manners by which organizations can oversee protection from change inside an association. They are, for example, ideal declaration of progress, talking about the need of progress, evaluating the response of the staffs, expanding worker association and advancement of compelling relationship. It has been discovered that because of individual dread and occupation instability, representatives regularly dread to change. As indicated by Wright Christensen and Isett (2013), it has serious effect on change the board procedure of an association. Hence many endeavor of progress comes up short. Notwithstanding, it has been discovered that representatives who have better comprehension about procedure security the board are eager to forfeit their own advantages for associations. From the exploration work done by Langley et al. (2013), it has been discovered that there are five essential elements related with the change the executives procedure of the association. They resemble perspectives of others, result of progress, assessment of the casing of reference, central elements and different markers, for example, time and spot. At last, it tends to be reasoned that expanding inclusion of workers with the association can inspire them to receive change. Outline and survey of the diary articles Title and Article reference Langley, A. N. N., Smallman, C., Tsoukas, H., and Van de Ven, A. H. 2013. Procedure investigations of progress in association and the executives: disclosing fleetingness, action, and flow.Academy of Management Journal,56(1), pp.1-13. Point or motivation behind the article This investigation assists with expanding consideration on why and how certain occurrences happen, advance, develop and excuse over a specific period. Test, area, technique for information assortment and examination So as to lead this examination work optional exploration work has been utilized. 13 article papers have been chosen out of 100 articles. Discoveries or understanding announced in the article There are five main considerations have been broke down in the change the board procedure. They are, for example, result of progress, central elements, perspectives of others, assessment of the edge of reference and different pointers, for example, time and spot. Commitment of the article corresponding to the theme This article assists with investigating how past scientists assessed the change the board point. Quality of the article This article shows how change the board procedure assessed with time. Shortcoming of the Article In this article, the distinction between change the board procedures of various industry has not been broke down. Statements from the article that is utilized in this task We realize that bigger firms will in general be more beneficial than littler ones both as a result of scale economies and market power. Statements from the article that is utilized in this task Be that as it may, this information gives little of down to earth use to the chiefs of firms who are attempting to work out the grouping of moves required to catch the advantages of expanded size after a merger. Statements from the article that is utilized in this task All the articles in this issue center around transiently developing wonders, regardless of whether they be the change, propagation, and rise of foundations. Title and Article reference Ylmaz, D., and Klolu, G. 2013. Protection from change and methods of lessening obstruction in instructive organizations.European diary of exploration on education,1(1), pp.14-21. Point or reason for the article Point of this examination work is to control the ideas of weights for managerial change, repulsing powers and reason of opposing change. Test, area, strategy for information assortment and investigation Optional examination work has been utilized for this exploration work. A writing audit has been created by taking the assistance of past exploration works. Discoveries or understanding detailed in the article There are six strategies can be applied by the school manager. They are, for example, correspondence, instruction, contribution, cooperation, backing and help. Commitment of the article corresponding to the theme This examination work assists with understanding the obstruction of progress inside associations. Quality of the article This examination work assists with seeing how to oversee change inside instructive association. Shortcoming of the Article There is a fundamental contrast between the change the executives system of instructive associations and different ventures, which isn't examined in this article. Statements from the article that is utilized in this task hierarchical change is considered as adjustments in innovation, pecking order or in structures in the association Statements from the article that is utilized in this task Permitting individuals to arranging, planning and actualizing the progressions give school individuals to contribute thoughts and advices that lead change Statements from the article that is utilized in this task In the event that inventive or radical changes presented without giving data about the idea of progress, the association individuals become dreadful and restless about change suggestions. Truth be told, change happens of uncertainty and vulnerability since individuals like dependability Title and Article reference Wright, B. E., Christensen, R. K., and Isett, K. R. 2013.Motivated to adjust? The job of open help inspiration as workers face hierarchical change.Public Administration Review,73(5), 738-747. Point or motivation behind the article The motivation behind this examination work is to find the instruments that can clarify the relationship of representative acknowledgment to change and administration esteems. Test, area, strategy for information assortment and examination Two arrangement of information has been utilized for this exploration work. The primary arrangement of information is created from an investigation of progress driven by quality change. The second arrangement of information is assembled from an examination that includes hierarchical change. Discoveries or understanding announced in the article The positive connection among PSM and promise to authoritative change has been found from this examination work. Commitment of the article comparable to the point This exploration work demonstrates the linkage between representative PSM and exertion to change. Quality of the article This exploration work gives proof that a few components of PSM assists with improving this relationship. Shortcoming of the Article The manners by which this relationship can be reinforced has not been examined in this investigation. Statements from the article that is utilized in this task Hierarchical duty thus can cultivate flexibility and receptiveness to change Statements from the article that is utilized in this task A few changes regularly fall flat in light of worker obstruction that is driven by close to home feelings of dread that the change will antagonistically influence them here and there Statements from the article that is utilized in this task Representatives with higher PSM, be that as it may, are frequently thought of as being additionally ready to forfeit their own advantages and inclinations to support society. Reference list Burke, W.W., 2013.Organization Change: Theory and Practice: Theory and Practice.Sage Publications. Langley, A. N. N., Smallman, C., Tsoukas, H., and Van de Ven, A. H. 2013. Procedure investigations of progress in association and the executives: divulging fleetingness, movement, and flow.Academy of Management Journal,56(1), pp.1-13. Morgan, G., 2013.Riding the rushes of change.Imaginization Inc. Robbins, S., Judge, T.A., Millett, B. furthermore, Boyle, M., 2013.Organisationalbehaviour.Pearson Higher Education AU. Waddell, D., Creed, A., Cummings, T.G. furthermore, Worley, C., 2013.Organisational change: advancement and change. Cengage Learning. Wright, B. E., Christensen, R. K., andIsett, K. R. 2013.Motivated to adjust? The job of open help inspiration as workers face authoritative change.Public Administration Review,73(5), pp.738-747. Ylmaz, D., and Klolu, G. 2013. Protection from change and methods of decreasing opposition in instructive organizations.European diary of exploration on education,1(1), pp.14-21.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century Essay Example For Students
The Renaissance was a social development that crossed the period generally from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century Essay The Renaissance was a social development that traversed the period generally from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century (Renaissance History, 2008). It is a French word for resurrection. It likewise a restoration of the traditional workmanship and insight of Ancient Greece and Rome. The workmanship in the Renaissance time was more life-like and contained point of view. (Intuitive Schooling, 2013). It was seen as a resurrection of old customs, and later on it was a convention. Some well known specialists from the Renaissance were Leonardo Ad Vinci, Tinderbox, Ghetto, Raphael, and so forth. Presently their work of art are something extremely important and huge. The print machine was created by Johannes Gutenberg in 1439 he changed the lives of individuals in Europe and, inevitably, everywhere throughout the world. A print machine is a gadget that utilizations strain to move a picture from a type of arranged, inked surface to a getting surface, similar to paper or fabric. (Weeklies, 2007). It was one of the extraordinary innovations of the cutting edge age. During the renaissance in topography, cosmology, science, material science, arithmetic, assembling, and designing happened some extraordinary advances, science in those occasions was something that not every person could know like at this point. Renaissance science brought forth the Scientific Revolution; science and innovation started a pattern of common progression. (Winnie Whish, 2008). Some significant Renaissance advancements were; mining and metallurgy, impact heater empowered iron to be delivered in huge amounts, delicacy fashion empowered pig iron into bar iron, cutting plant affi xed the creation of iron poles for nail making, smelt factory expanded the yield of lead over past techniques. We will compose a custom paper on The Renaissance was a social development that spread over the period generally from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Renaissance craftsmen and engineers, delivered probably the best works that we know now. The Protestant Reformation during the sixteenth century in Europe introduced another imaginative custom that grasped the Protestant motivation and wandered definitely from the southern European convention and the humanist workmanship delivered during the high Renaissance. (Workmanship History, 2012)
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Bad Ideas Weekend 2019
Bad Ideas Weekend 2019 “The winter has come. The days are dark, cold, and dreary. There is little happiness, and little to look forward to; no hope remains. In this climate of despair and misery, we finally go crazy. All rationality is lost. We are here to celebrate the ideas that are borne of this insanity.†01 The only true part of this quote is the first sentence. Winter here is cold, yes, but beautiful. Besides the lower temperatures, everything is pretty normal â€" no darker, colder, or drearier than it has been since I got here. For me, IAP has been a time of relaxation and recreational exploration. Bad Ideas is an annual tradition at MIT, revolving around East Campus. Over one weekend during IAP, students compete in ridiculous events02 Anyone with a bad idea can apply to receive the resources and support needed to make it happen. . People came up with all sorts of bad ideas that pushed our stomachs, hearts, and brains to the limit. Here is my experience at six of them! I. 2^n cookies Floor 2 East was the base for the 2^n cookies operation, led by Adriana J. 20 and Nadine E. 22. The goal was to reach n=13! Thats 8,192 cookies. By the end of the day, 2 East succeeded in making 2,925 cookies, a total approximately equal to 2^11.514. Just for clarity, these cookies were made from scratch not with frozen dough! orange line marks 2,925 cookies (n = 11.514) I arrived at 2 East when they had just reached the 800-cookie mark. The kitchen was beautifully efficient â€" across each counter, people were mixing, rolling, and then placing cookie dough onto trays. In another area, people were collecting and counting the finished cookies. The foot-tall pile of cookies covered the entire surface of a large table. It was the kind of cookie mountain that would have made my 5 year old self03 tbh, my current self too jump up and down in excitement. I had a bunch of them and they were really good. a mountain of ingredients turns into a mountain of cookies To make a lot of cookies, you need a lot of ingredients. 2 East bought 107 pounds of flour, 336 sticks of butter, 28 dozen eggs, and 125 pounds of chocolate chips, in addition to a ton of baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, and vanilla extract. About half of the ingredients were actually used on Saturday and the rest has since been distributed to other halls to bake desserts for birthdays and other special days! The cookies were finished off at the Bad Ideas Ball held on Sunday night. Organizers Adriana J. 20 and Nadine E. 22 pictured 3rd and 4th from the left, respectively. II. Time Complexity of Ice Cream Consumption Algorithms each ice cream serving was weighed and consumers were timed Computer science student Kavya R. 20 explored her interest in algorithms at this event. She timed people as they ate three servings of ice cream, each of which varied in size, to determine the time complexity of each persons ice cream consumption algorithm. Time complexity is a measure of how long a program (or, in this case, a person) takes to process a given input (such as servings of ice cream). seemed pretty linear III. Green Building Challenge I voluntarily climbed up an 18-story building 22 times. I did this with a team, and we placed third! we climbed this, 22 times. This was perhaps the worst of the bad ideas I took part in. It was so bad that I wrote an entire post about it! I analyzed some heart rate data and did an analysis of the winning teams strategies. My team is planning on doing this again next year. The data has shown us what well need to do to win first place. ;) IV. FitnessGram Pacer Test If you attended high school in the United States, you have probably ran the FitnessGram Pacer Test, a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues04 quote should have been read in a computer-generated male voice . Last spring, I thought I ran the pacer test for the last time. But, since someone had the bad idea to run the test in the East Campus courtyard, I found myself running it yet again. The person who reached the highest number won a prize. If I recall correctly, one of the people in the photo above won this challenge with a score of around 83. V. Python Bee The Python bee was hilarious to watch. Competitors coded blind, under time pressure, in front of a large audience â€" a recipe for success! Im planning on competing next year for sure. To start, competitors had to define a function that would print the sum of all odd numbers in a given list. Some did this using lambda functions while others used for loops. Next, competitors were asked to print 2019 without using any digits in their code. The questions got progressively harder from there. When people were eliminated, it was usually because of issues like missing spaces or indents â€" not because they didnt think of good solutions. These are expected errors when you cant see what youre writing. VI. Family Feud East Campus floors battled each other in a surprisingly realistic round of Family Feud! People were packed into the Talbot lounge to watch. There was even a Steve Harvey (a student with a stick-on mustache). Two of my favorite questions and answers were: Q: What is a word starting with E that describes East Campus? A: East Q: Name a type of chip. A: potato, tortilla, computer Without a doubt, Bad Ideas 2019 was a fantastic time. I felt a unique thrill from committing serious effort to activities that were so clearly bad ideas, whether it was climbing up an 18-story building for four hours or baking thousands of cookies. It was inspiring, too â€" seeing my peers dedicate so much energy and skill into making one weekend of bad ideas a success reminded me of what MIT students can do when we put our minds to it. Post Tagged #Bad Ideas Weekend #East Campus #Exercise The only true part of this quote is the first sentence. Winter here is cold, yes, but beautiful. Besides the lower temperatures, everything is pretty normal â€" no darker, colder, or drearier than it has been since I got here. For me, IAP has been a time of relaxation and recreational exploration. back to text ? Anyone with a bad idea can apply to receive the resources and support needed to make it happen. back to text ? tbh, my current self too back to text ? quote should have been read in a computer-generated male voice back to text ?
Friday, May 22, 2020
Dracula A Breaker Of Sexuality and Gender Roles In the Victorian-era - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2427 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/04/16 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Tags: Gender Roles Essay Did you like this example? For centuries, monsters have been used to portray many bad qualities, personalities, and versions of humans. Monsters are used to help us cope with our fears and worst nightmares in society. According to Patricia Donovan, who wrote an article titled Monster Culture, fear of monsters has brought many communities and cultures together in the past (1). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Dracula: A Breaker Of Sexuality and Gender Roles In the Victorian-era" essay for you Create order Many monsters are created to teach society a lesson in a way that they will pay attention, fear. When it comes to the infamous Dracula, he can represent many societal problems. Such as, sex, sexuality, sexual liberation, and gender roles. Dracula disrupts gender roles by sometimes taking the role of a motherly figure to other vampires. Which is different than the Victorian societal normalities. Dracula also challenges sexuality, by having totally different standards compared to the Victorian-era expectations. Bram Stokers infamous novel, Dracula is what brought Dracula into the limelight. The gothic horror novel was released in 1897, and it introduced Count Dracula. The novel tells the story of Draculas journey to move from Transylvania to England, so he can find new blood and spread the vampiric curse. Upon the release, Dracula wasnt an immediate success. The gothic novel had a lot of mixed reactions, due to the vulgarity and the sexual themes throughout the novel. As many decades passed, the novel started to get praised for the literary themes and concepts. Modern day readers appreciated and understood the importance of the novel, whereas Victorian-era readers seen the novel as a good adventure book. Sexuality has always been a prevalent part of society. Its been a recent hot topic and theres a lot of controversy that surrounds a persons sexuality. Not that there should be, but the world has many different views on sexuality. Whether its stereotypes or assumptions, someones sexuality will always be questioned, even a terrifying monster known as Dracula. This all stems from Bram Stokers Dracula, that sparked the questioning of Draculas sexuality. Sexuality in Dracula is pretty complicated, ultimately pointing out the sexual repression of men and women during the Victorian-era. Women during the Victorian-era were expected to be pure until marriage and not show any sexualbehavior that was considered promiscuous. In Dracula, Bram Stoker writes characters that come face to face with sexuality. Sexual repression is at the core of this theme. Both men and women are sexually repressed. As witnessed by Jonathan Harkers thoughts and actions during his jail time at Draculas castle. His sexual repression is best described in the following quote: I was afraid to raise my eyelids, but looked out and saw perfectly under the lashes. The girl went on her knees, and bent over me, simply gloating. There was a deliberate voluptuousness which was both thrilling and repulsive, and as she arched her neck, she actually licked her lips like an animalI closed my eyes in a languorous ecstasy and waitedwaited with beating heart.(Stoker. Chapter 3, page 8). To add onto the previous point abow, Jonathan Harker is about to be bitten by Draculas three daughters. The vampire women are highly sexualized and sensuous. They are free to act on their sexual desires, which is the exact opposite of men and women in Victorian-era society. When Jonathan is closing his eyes, it demonstrates that his inability to handle an open sexuality. But at the same time, he wants his desires to be met by stating that he was waiting in ecstasy. Jonathan wants the vampiric women to take advantage of him, since he views her sexual expressiveness as desirable. On the other hand, hes feeling shame because her sexual expressiveness is seen as repulsive as well. During the Victorian-era, women were very sexually repressed and werent allowed to be sexual beings. But in Dracula, when the women are turned into vampires their societal rules are different. Vampire women are allowed to express their sexualities and not be sexually repressed. When a character named Lucy, whos a nineteen year old girl whos described as beautiful and angelic. When Lucy is turned into a vampire, this following quote describes the sexual desire that Lucy is creating. her breast heaved softlyand then insensibly there came the strange change which I had noticed in the night the mouth opened, and the pale gums, drawn back, made the teeth look longer and sharper than ever,,, and said in a soft voluptuous voice, such as I had never heard from her lips; Arthur! Oh, my love, I am so glad you have come! Kiss me! (Stoker, Chap 18,4). This can be seen as a symbolic breaking out of Victorian-era sexuality, because when it comes to the gothic sexuality female vampires are allowed sexual freedom. Whenever women get a chance to express their freedom, men will most of the time challenge or take it. When Lucy turns into a vampire and gets her sexual liberation, Arthur (her fiance) drives a wooden stake through her heart and kills her. In Angel in the House, Devil in the City: Explorations of Gender in Dracula and Penny Dreadful, Lauren Rocha writes, The transformation of Lucy from a creature of purity and sweetness into an inhuman, unholy one exemplifies the threat of the vampire in the novel: that is, the corruption of women into sexual, uncontrollable beings (2). Since this novel takes place during the Victorian-era , Arthur was strongly against the new sexually liberated vampire that Lucy has become. The following quote describes how even in gothic sexuality, the male will always have power over a women. In order to restore Lucy as a holy, and not an unholy, memory,Arthur drives a stake through her heart. Arthur, Lucys fianc, whom she has tried to seduce with her vampiric way s, is the proper character to kill her; in doing so, he restores the gender balance in which men dominate and control the desires of women (Rocha, 2). As a final point on sexuality in Dracula, Count Dracula is also allowed to have sexual liberation (of course). Since Dracula has three brides, its in no question that Dracula does have power over the females in this novel. Which is the same as current and Victorian-era societies. When Draculas sexual orientation comes into question, theres no correct answer for it. It was never stated in Brams novel. A quote from Productive Fear: Labor, Sexuality, and Mimicry in Bram Stokers Dracula by Eric Kwan-Wai Yu, brings a scene between Dracula and Jonathan into the question about Draculas sexual orientation. That ambiguous scene, juxtaposing Draculas claim that Harker belongs to him with his alleged capacity for love, hints that Dracula, like his brides, is a pervert hungry not only for blood but for sexual gratification (Kwan-Wai Yu, 18). This is confirmation that Dracula breaks the sexuality normalities of the Victorian-era society. Any man during this period would never put a spell on another man to make him lustful towards himself. The Count is a monster driven by his bloodlust and hunger, and he does not discriminate the gender of his prey. Which could possibly mean that Dracula can be asexual. Asexual is a sexuality that makes an individual attracted to someone without sexual feeling; meaning Draculas bloodlust makes him attracted to anyone. ALthough, Dracula does indicate to his three brides that he has had a past love, Bram Stoker leaves no details about his past love and theres no future reference made to Draculas past love made again. Not only does Dracula break the roles of sexuality, he also breaks Victorian-era gender roles. Along with Dracula, the novel itself and its characters really challenged Victorian-era gender roles and was a bold statement during the time. Traditional gender roles are exemplified in the novel, Dracula. Men are seen as brave and heroic, whereas women are described as motherly and emotional. However, theres also different gender roles when it comes to the vampires. For example, Van Helsing says that, A brave mans blood is the best thing on this earth when a woman is in trouble when asking Quincy Morris to give blood to Lucy after she has been turned into a vampire. Helsing is expecting Quincy to be strong and protect Lucy during her time of need. Bram Stoker is highlighting Quincy as a strong hero, while labeling Lucy as a maiden in need. To add on too the traditional gender roles in the novel, Van Helsing compliments Mina by saying, Ah, that wonderful Madam Mina! She has mans brain a brain that a man should have were he much gifted and womans heart (Stoker Chap 18, 22). Helsings statement confirms that men are viewed as the intellectuals, while women are emotional and nurturing to men. Mina possesses both of the qualities of the genders, but these stereotypes are withholding a society of men and women that are unable to express themselves freely. For an example on Victorian-era women, Mina is seen as pure and an ideal women during this time period. Mina is the embodiment of what a women was expected to be during the Victorian-era. She is prudent, intelligent, caring, beautiful, and knows her place in society. Van Helsing says, She is one of Gods women, fashioned by His own hand to show us men and other women that there is a heavenso true, so sweet, so noble, so little an egoist and that, let me tell you, is much in this age, so skeptical and selfish, (Stoker, Chapter 14, Page 1). Bram Stoker writes Mina as an ideal Victorian woman, so he can present the unacceptable behavior of Draculas daughters. The three women serve as the complete opposite of the gender roles that were present during the Victorian-era. Theyre impure, radical, and evil. Everything that Mina, the perfect Victorian woman, is not. In contrast from Mina, the weird sisters are the women that disrupt the gender roles of the Victorian-era. The woman often participate in the act of seducing men, which the novel is clearly arguing against. During this time, women were expected to be the ones pursued by men and shouldnt seek a relationship independently. Men were the ones with all the power. They had the freedom to do what they wanted, when they wanted to do it. Men had sexual freedom, and were allowed to have multiple partners if they wished. The sisters are referred to as monsters by Jonathan, and commit despicable evil acts throughout the novel. On the scale of what defines appropriate female behavior, Lucy falls in the middle. Lucy behaves as a proper Victorian woman should and shows signs of purity, but at the same time, Lucys statements hint that she may be more progressive than other women in society. For example, Lucy says, Men like women, certainly their wives, to be quite as fair as they are; and women, I a m afraid are not always quite as fair as they should be (Stoker, Chapter 5, Page 1). She is aware that women do not fit the expectations of society and may be more aggressive than their male counterparts. This maybe Lucys way of showing her desire to break free from the patriarchal society of the Victorian-era. Later, Lucy transforms into a vampire, which allows her to experience the sexuality that has been so heavily repressed by the Victorian-era society. In contrast from the female gender roles in Bram Stokers Dracula, theres the Victorian-era male role. In the novel, theres a group of men called The Crew of Light. This group consists of five men; Jonathan, Dr. Seward, Dr. Van Helsing, Arthur, and Quincey. These are the five men that are set out to fight against Dracula. During the second half of the book, Jonathan joins the men to fight against Dracula; In doing so, Jonathan seems to gain a lot of the traditional traits of masculinity. Men during the Victorian-era are known for their bravery, intelligence, honesty, activity, and repression of emotion. All of the men are financially stable enough to have their lives surround around the hunt for Dracula. When it comes to whos the leader of the group, Quincey is a notable contender. Quincey is described by Stoker as a moral Viking, and is depicted as the most masculine of all. Despite the importance of masculinity that falls into the gender role of males in the VIctorian-era society, there are contradictions. In the novel, it seems that the Crew of Light must always aim for the moral high ground when they do unlawful activities. These unlawful activities include breaking into houses, breaking into crypts, and desecrating bodies. The men in the Crew of Light also have many emotional fits and can behave hysterically at times. Quincey is the only member from the crew to die. This suggests that an excess of masculinity may be less desirable in the long run compared to Jonathans more obvious blends of both masculinity and femininity. To add onto the male gender role, Dracula takes on the role of the nurturing mother in With his left hand he held both Mrs Harkers hands, keeping them away with her arms at full tension; his right hand gripped her by the back of the neck, forcing her face down on his bosom. Her white nightdress was smeared with blood, and a thin stream trickled down the mans bare breastthe vampiric society. When Dracula interacts with Mina, Dracula takes on the role of the mother. In the following quote, Dracula forces Mina to drink blood from his chest, (Stoker, Chapter 21, Page 1). Throughout the novel, Dracula has showed many signs of breaking the male gender role by showing femininity. Such as, Draculas fascination with Jonathan and he expresses that hes capable of giving love. Which, further connects him to the traits f the female gender role. When Dracula is placed into the motherhood role, Dracula is breaking the role of a traditional male during the Victorian-era. In Bram Stokers Dracula, theres many gender and sexuality breaking characters and incidents. During the Victorian-era women were very repressed, while the men always had the power. In the vampire society, women had the chance to have sexual liberation, as well as a little more freedom than the normal Victorian women. Males had to deal with toxic masculinity and always having to fit into the masculine role. No emotions were allowed from men, and they werent allowed to experience love, since they were seen as only something a woman was capable of. Stokers novel has a lot of relevance to todays society, as we still have many gender roles in our society. Sexuality is still a big discussion and a lot of these Victorian-era traditions and qualities are still held to our society till this day.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Secret Shortcuts to Need Help with a Research Paper That Only the Experts Know
Secret Shortcuts to Need Help with a Research Paper That Only the Experts Know The Benefits of Need Help with a Research Paper Make an outline An outline is a very simple plan showing how you mean to present the review. Know when it is required and when it can be skipped. If your instructor wants a cover page, you might omit the main heading on your very first page. In most instances, it's usually regarding the course or field of study. You are able to also do some studying to learn more about the points to discuss to be able to present a logical and compelling review. Whilst in the process of investigating to collect information, students should measure all the facets of the subject and topic. In order to come up with high quality Spanish custom research papers, they are supposed to first understand the questions that are guiding. The lengthy paragraph at the beginning of the paper should provide you three important bits of information. It is possible to then focus you r attention on the particular regions of the paper that will allow you to get what you would like out of it. The intention of the outline is to supply you with a blueprint' of the paper and quick reference when writing. You should concentrate on the depth of coverage necessary for your paper as well as the due date when you want to file your paper. Need Help with a Research Paper Features There still are rules of the way to format the very first page. Make certain there is continuity in your topics and stick to the outline closely to prevent corrections. Furthermore, the student needs to have learned concerning the simple writing pattern and format. MLA research paper format is just one of the most widespread formats utilized in academic writing. Moreover, being formatted correctly, it provides the reader a comprehension of how responsibly you've approached the preparation of your assignment. Finding a draft you may safely go through it, verify the capability of the writer to really do the job for you and peacefully earn a payment. With the total amount of information an individual can get in the web, it's turning into a typical mistake. The ESRB evaluations for each game proved then calculated and analyzed by unit sold as a way to observe how violent video games went through the industry. Up in Arms About Need Help with a Research Paper? You are able to either opt to support the arguments or ideas in the movie, or concentrate on disputing them. You have to keep in mind that the thesis statement is usually a kind of introduction to the assigned subject issue. You have to come up with an idea based on the way in which the documentary touched you. You can begin by just randomly writing words or phrases of ideas that you mean to expound on and after that arrange them logically. You've got to choose a topic in which you have good expertise, and you are able to place your extra input. Skimming the abstract first will make it possible for you to get somewhat knowledgeable about the topic available. Be cautious when preparing a title page for your research, and you'll undoubtedly secure exciting outcomes! You should make sure the information on your research paper is organized, in order for your readers won't have any trouble reading. Now there's a list of resources. Whereas, when you have four or more authors then you've got to write all of them out following the previous name of the very first Author. Lots of people today would be hard-pressed to understand how to compose a research paper considering they don't know the best places to begin. Discuss what happens when people don't understand psychology. You are able to g et immediate assistance from our experts at any moment. There's a large fake research problem in academia at this time. Choosing Good Need Help with a Research Paper Research Paper preparation means handling a great deal of information. Research paper research is a procedure that's going up the alleys. It is not a task for one day. An individual should realize that every Research Paper is a sophisticated writing because it must contain distinctive research and distinctive idea. The usual part of thesis vs. research paper is that they're academic documents. Composing an accounting research paper for this reason is an extremely tricky job however we're here to assist. When you currently have a research paper topic, you will be ready to study it more profoundly. State the particular issue which you would want to concentrate your research on.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Numeric Investors Free Essays
Diversey, founded in 1923, in Chicago, currently sales in 160 countries. It started its operations in India during the year 1998 as one of the major providers of cleaning, sanitation and hygiene products and solutions to institutional customers across the industries in India market. It established itself as pioneer in providing the cleaning, sanitation and hygiene needs of the large government and private institutional clients from different industries in India. We will write a custom essay sample on Numeric Investors or any similar topic only for you Order Now The clientele spread across various industry segments like hotels, airports, metro, railways, hospitals, shopping malls, offices of the MNCs companies etc. Challenges in Indian Industry:- The cleaning industry in India is majorly unorganized sector accounting for almost 70% of the market. The perception of cleaning as a daily chore rather than a science followed by the lack of awareness on the criticality and sustainable benefits of hygiene and cleaning resulted in lot of resistance and reluctance on the part of the institutional customers, in accepting the need to shift from labor-oriented cleaning process to technology-oriented cleaning products and services. Diversey wanted to change this mind-set in India market. It gained more than 30% of the market share in the organized cleaning market segment by 2012. It was the only company in India, which was in the business of providing end-to-end cleaning product and services solutions to the customers and it had a nearest global competitor in Ecolab, who also entered the India market directly in 2008. In the cleaning equipment segment, Diversey competed with 4-5 key namely Roots Multiclean, Eureka Forbes, Diversey, Dulevo and Karcher. However, unlike Diversey, most of these equipment players focused only on offering the cleaning equipment products. Point of differentiation – A total solution provider, which combined the cleaning, sanitation and hygiene product offering with consulting services to improve operational efficiency for its customers. – Offering cleaning products, which did not involve any banned chemicals or harmful substances. -Offering the best quality product to its customers and provided supplementary education and awareness on need based usage of the same Segmentation 1. According to type of industry:- building service contractors, hospitality healthcare, retail food service and food beverage 2. According to size of customer:- it divided its customer according to the size within any industry as a. International large accounts as customer having presence in multiple countries b. Large domestic local accounts as five star hotels, large corporate hospitals, large Indian corporates c. Mid-size units as hotels, hospitals and offices; and d. Smaller units as roadside eateries, offices, shops Goal A sales turnover of INR 10,000 million by 2015. Problem Identification There are primarily five main issues that have been identified. 1. How to benchmark the products and services against the local competition, especially against the low-cost and low-quality local players, who were offering low-quality but cheaper products for cleaning purpose. 2. How to change the social mindset of majority of the Indian customers, who believed that cleaning and hygiene was a day-to-day chore, which did not require anything else other than any simple cleaning agent. 3. How to convey the importance of applying the right type and composition of chemical solution for each of the specific need, i. e. he one-size-fits-all mindset of the Indian customers. 4. How to create a distribution channel, which could change the existing relationship and convert ‘Dhobis’ to Diversey. 5. How to manage the inventory of slow moving but time critical spare parts for the cleaning equipments Strategic options To capture market share in organized sector 1. Communicate the eventual low cost of use of Diversey products in the long run to by linking it to the costs reduced due to reduced maintenance costs. 2. Focus on attracting the attention of customers of hospitality, edical-care, airlines etc on the health aspect through advertisements and print ads in magazines served in hotels, airlines etc. which is achieved far better by using diversey products. This in turn would lead to increased demand of diversey products as the customers would be more health-conscious and force the above industries to cater to their demand which would be fulfilled by diversey’s products. 3. Press on the fact that diversey gives personalized end to end serv ice and after sales service according to the needs of the clients. Communicate that diversey uses world class products which are highly safe and effective. Hence it increases the life of the surface on which the product is used and does not affect the health of the applicant. To capture market in unorganized sector 1. It’s important to change the mindset of people to shift from water-based cleaning to chemical-based cleaning which could be achieved by giving free demonstrations at their homes by hiring trained cleaning gangs. 2. Increase brand awareness through advertisements which focus on the health and germ protection advantage by the use of diversey products over the use of cleaning by water. And specially focus on children protection from germs which would drive families spending into diversey products. 3. Create awareness through social media through videos and blogs highlighting the superiority of diversey products over pochas and involve young minds into it who will be the future prospective buyers. 4. Portray diversey products as safe which can be used by all members of the family, reduces time to clean and gives effective results. . Use RD to come up with a multi-purpose product which could satisfy one-fits-all mindset of the people. Diversification 1. Provide cleaning service to clients by hiring cleaning gangs or recruiting and training people as training gangs on daily or weekly or monthly basis as per client’s requirements. 2. Enter into business of cleaning houses by launching in tier 1 and tier 2 cities where people could use diversey products to clean their clothes which could bring in customers by eliminating dhobis and in turn promote diversey products. 3. Foray nto the business of providing waste handling and storage equipments as this business would supplement their core business. Inventory reduction 1. Standardization of products and use of common parts to make different products would reduce inventories 2. Identification of parts of products and not stocking those which could be manufactured quickly after the demand of the product. 3. Tracking of demand of each product from each region over time should be done which would give a fairly rough estimate of the inventories to be kept for that product. How to cite Numeric Investors, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Kant`s Morality Essays - Social Philosophy, Deontological Ethics
Kant`s Morality Kant starts off making two distinctions regarding kinds of knowledge, empirical/rational and formal/material. Empirical or experience-based knowledge is contrasted with rational knowledge, which is independent of experience. This distinction between empirical and rational knowledge rests on a difference in sources of evidence used to support the two different kinds of knowledge. Formal is contrasted with material knowledge. Formal knowledge has no specific subject matter; it is about the general structure of thinking about any subject matter whatsoever. Material knowledge is of a specific subject matter, either nature or freedom. Rational knowledge is metaphysics, of which there are two branches, the metaphysics of nature and of morals. The metaphysics of nature is supposed to provide rational knowledge of the laws of nature. These are not empirical laws; they are more like universal principles of nature that any empirical physical would presuppose, such as that no event in nature occurs without a natural cause. The metaphysics of freedom is supposed to provide knowledge of the laws of freedom. These are the universal rules which free agents devise to govern them. Thus, Kant's grounding, his initial attempt at a critique of rational reason, is an investigation of the possibility of purely rational knowledge of morals. Take, for example, the Moral Rule: Thou shalt not lie. If the moral law is valid as the basis of moral obligation or duty, then it must be necessary. Kant using the word "necessity" means that the rule obligates or binds whatever the conditions or in all circumstances. It also means that the rule applies to all rational beings and not only to human beings. In this second sense we can say that the rule is universally binding. So in fact, moral rules are universal and necessary. If a moral rule is to be universal and necessary, the moral law must be derived from concepts of pure reason alone. Therefore, if a moral rule or law can only be derived from reason alone, there must be a pure moral philosophy whose task is to provide such a derivation. In the "Grounding", Kant sets himself the task of establishing the "supreme principle of morality" from which to make such a derivation. According to Kant good will and only a good will is intrinsically good. Kant distinguishes two different types of intrinsic or extrinsic goods. If a thing is only extrinsically good, then it is possible for that thing not to be good, or to be bad or evil. Intrinsic goodness is goodness in itself; if a thing is intrinsically good, its goodness is essential to it; and its goodness is not a function of factors other than itself. Kant holds that only a good will, not happiness, is intrinsically good. The idea that it is reason rather than natural impulse which guides action for the sake of happiness is false. Parts of a person perform their functions by surviving and this provides happiness for the person. Reason functions poorly in serving that purpose; instinct does better job. Natural instinct rather than reason provides better for happiness. Kant distinguishes between having a reason to act and acting for a reason. The motivating reason is the reason for which agent acts. A justifying reason is the reason that justifies, warrants, provides the criterion of rightness for the action. The agent's motivating reason might or might not provide a justifying reason for his action. Kant then defines three types of motivating reasons. One type of non-moral motivation is natural motivation. Action in accord with duty is motivated by immediate or direct inclination. Direct inclination includes such motives as love, sympathy, instinct for self-preservation, or the desire for happiness. The other type of non-moral motivation is prudence. An action in accord with duty, but motivated by prudence, is action motivated by the pursuit of self-interest or happiness. Since all human beings naturally desire happiness, prudential motivation is indirectly motivated by a natural motivation. Moral motivation is the third type of motivation. The action is not only in accord with duty, but motivated by duty, done from duty, or for sake of duty. The agent's motivating reason, the reason for which he acts, is that the action is what morality demands and he wants above all to do what reason demands.
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